Sunday, June 25, 2006

I feel that a man may be happy in This World. And I know that This World is a World of Imagination & Vision. I see Every thing I paint in This world, but Every body does not see alike. To the Eyes of a Miser a Guinea is far more beautiful than the Sun, & a bag worn with the use of Money has more beautiful proportions than a Vine filled with Grapes. The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the Eyes of others only a Green thing which stands in the way. Some see Nature all Ridicule & Deformity, and by these I shall not regulate my proportions; & some scarce see Nature at all. But to the Eyes of the Man of Imagination, Nature is Imagination itself. As a man is, so he sees. As the Eye is formed, such are its Powers.

-William Blake

(i couldnt resist. what a man!)


Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

God, I Love Blake. Lovely quotation.

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

hmmm...nice piece...:)

Anonymous said...

Hey...sorry i havent replied to your scraps but I dont remember my google password! Nice post...Ole Willie Blake to his credit did think some half-decent thoughts.Things are pretty decent in this neck of the woods.I hope you are having a good monsoon, and that you are having a good life in general.I will try and text you when I get a refill...take good care of yourself.

Random Doodler said...

@loony and @debanuj

you grow stranger and stranger!no monsoon..not good..exams next wk..knw nothing!

but thats where imagination comes in doesnt it? have u ever felt restricted when your mind wanders(if it does)? it is the most liberating feeling ever...not necessarily logical or rational..but quite possible, nonetheless.